
15 Thoughts the Brides think the Night Before Their Wedding

15 Thoughts the Brides think the Night Before Their Wedding

There are many details that are part of planning a wedding, which the night before it can turn into something abnormal for the bride. Even if the bride feels very good, calm and landed, there are 1 million thoughts which bother her mind.

Read below some of the most common thoughts that a pre-wedding bride thinks:

It does not matter if the philosophy of your wedding planning is to stay calm and spend every minute after work perfecting the Table Scheme, the breakfast before your wedding is also a thrilling moment and even the most relaxed brides.

When a bride’s brain is racing before her wedding, here are the 15 thoughts that emerge from this last minute brain torture.

“Did I pay the catering bill??”

“I hope my fiancé likes my dress as much as I do. What if he doesn’t like it?”

Thank you Anna DockingUnsplash for this image.

[bctt tweet=”Bride: A woman with fine views of happiness, behind her. – Ambrose Bierce” username=”@weddingplannersalbania”]

“What if I stumble while walking towards the altar..”

“I should not stumble while walking towards the altar.”

“What should I say when the mayor asks me to repeat his words?

“Where are my vows? What I have written in my vows?”

“Tomorrow is the most important day of my life so far. Of course I hope it lasts forever.”

“I wonder if my fiancé has cold feet. On a second thought I wonder if I will have cold feet.”

“I will make a lifelong commitment today for the first time. And I thought signing a car loan was a big deal.”

“Someday I will tease my husband, and I will laugh at how nervous we were during our walk to the altar.”

“I hope I do not cry. Have I taken care to use a waterproof eye liner?”

“I can not wait to see the finalization of the place where the reception will take place. Isn’t it too early to take a look?”

“Immersing yourself in the wedding cake after so many months of avoiding sweets will be like paradise.”

“I wonder if my fiancé will cry when he sees me walking towards the altar for the first time.”

“I can not believe I will marry my best friend tomorrow.”

What are you thinking? Share with us below in the comments!


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